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e.g. Samsung Galaxy S10


Tickets cannot be purchased with our apps. Savings lines do not enter you into a draw, but allows you to check your tickets quickly when the results become available.

Congrats on your win! To claim a prize, you need to refer to the instructions of your lottery ticket issuer. These will be available on their website. If you purchased the ticket online, the prize will usually be automatically paid to your registered account. If you purchased a ticket from a shop, you can often claim the prize from the shop directly, for smaller amounts.

Results are usually updated within 30 minutes of each draw, on rare occasions there can be delays. If the app is not updating, first try to close the app fully and then re-open it. If that does not work, please check that you are using the latest version of the app (that there is no update available on the Google Play Store).

Sometimes it can take a few minutes to verify your purchase. It may be necessary to close the app fully and then re-open it for the PRO version to activate. If you are still having problems, please contact us using the form below, including your order number and we will be happy to assist you.